STDs can be transmitted simply by touching mucus membranes (those parts of your body that are wet) or sometimes even by touching of skin to skin contact (lesion, sore or infected tissue). Although some STDS do cause early signs or symptoms when you get infected (itching, burning, blisters, rashes, sores, warts, leaking, discharge and funky smells) most people don’t get symptoms.
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The easiest way to keep yourself STD free is to practice abstinence. Abstinence is when someone decides to not practice sex for the time being. Many people are abstinent many years into their lives for many different reasons. There is no right or wrong reason to stay abstinent. The important thing to remember is it’s 100% your choice and you should do what you feel is right for you.
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One of the easiest ways to keep yourself free of STDs once you decide to become sexually active is using different forms of protection (for example condoms) and getting tested on a regular basis. This means going to a doctor’s office or a community clinic at least every 6 months. There are a few things to consider when planning on getting tested.
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Finding a clinic to get tested is pretty easy ( and put in your zip code to find the nearest clinic near you. Or if you decide to go to one that’s a bit further away, that’s totally fine as well. Once you find a clinic, give them a call. Some clinics require appointments or they might have very specific hours for testing. When going to the clinic, keep in mind that they are there to help you and help keep you comfortable. If you have any questions and concerns, let them know. They want to help you.
We met up with Durga Gawde and spoke to them about what it's like identifying as gender fluid, how many times they have to explain to people what that means and why they're tired of it.